After his appointment he didn't seem to want to sleep. He would eat then fall asleep for about an hour and want more food. This went all for about 5 hours and needless to say, he was pooped. I finally just swaddled him in the blanket and laid him on the bed with me. In the picture below you can see what happened.
Bandit seems to be doing better. We believe the meds the vet gave him for his peeing and pooping attempts may have relaxed him a little too much. He has been a lot better the past few days. No more peeing in the kitchen, YAY! He is still very jealous and it seems to be worse since we got home from IL. I just have to start loving on him at night when Micah is asleep.
Smokey, well Smokey is who he is. He is a loner cat and has always been that way. He comes downstairs to lay in the sun every morning but after that he is done for the day. The only time we see him is at night or when he is out of food. Very easy going cat that doesn't need a lot of attention.
Enjoy the pictures because I don't know when I will get a chance to catch this again.
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