Saturday, October 11, 2008

4 Months? Seriously?

Micah is already 4 months old and we can't believe it. 1.) I can't believe it was over 4 months ago that I was in the hospital and he didn't want to enter this world. 2.) I can't believe it has been over 4 months since the last day I was working full-time. 3.) I can't believe it was over 1 year ago when I found out I was pregnant with him. How time flies!

He growing like a little bean sprout.... already 16 lbs and 25 inches long. (Yes, 16 lbs.... I know he is a big boy, everyone that sees him tells me! ha) 4 Months old and is wearing 6-9 month clothing. Great huh?

One of his favorite places is on the floor with his tunnel. Not only Micah but Bandit also loves the tunnel. I have to keep my eye on Bandit now.... I couldn't help but take this picture before I got Bandit out of the tunnel. Every now and then Micah will decide to try and roll from his back to his stomach but it seems he scares himself and doesn't go all the way. I am waiting for the day when he finally makes his move and flips right over.

Job Update: Since I passed all the tests to become a sub-secretary with the school board I have been called out 1 time. Hopefully it will pick up so I can get my seniority and get a full-time job soon!

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